Friday, April 24, 2009
Memorable Moments in Homeschooling
Last week was a very busy week. I had numerous committments and tried very hard not to let them interfere with our schooling. I think I took multi-tasking to a new level and tried to do "my things" while trying to teach the girls. On one of these particularly crazy days my 1st grader was waiting very patiently - as patiently as a 6 year old can be - for my help. When I came to help her she was sound asleep on her school book. It was at that moment I realized I needed to slow down - and maybe just take a nap with her :). It amazes me how much we can learn from our children - if we are willing to learn.

Friday, April 10, 2009
I love to crochet. It is so relaxing. I just wish I had more time to spend on it. My mother taught me when I was 5, but it wasn't until after I was married that I picked it up again. Believe it or not, after a few tries, it was almost like riding a bike. After many years of searching for 'just the right patterns' and not being able to find what I wanted I decided to try designing my own. It was difficult for me to try it. I like to know how things are going to turn out....and I don't like to make mistakes, so to go out on a limb and try something that doesn't have a pattern was a stretch for me. I'm glad I did. If nothing else it has taught me it's ok to try something new.....even if you do fail. Most of my patterns are basic, and so far all are baby afghans, but I'm always trying to take my designs one step further.
If you would like the pattern to any of them just send me a message. I'll be more than happy to share them with you. I will eventually try to add them to the blog. The only exception is the very first picture. I started making this from a pattern I bought, but the directions were wrong, so I improvised & created some of it freehand. But because of copyright laws on the part I did use I cannot share that pattern. All the rest are baby afghans that I have made for friends.
This basket-weave afghan was my very first design. A friend of mine had a preemie (10 weeks early) and I could not find a preemie pattern I liked. So this pushed my hand at designing. If you like it the instructions do include re-sizing info.

If you would like the pattern to any of them just send me a message. I'll be more than happy to share them with you. I will eventually try to add them to the blog. The only exception is the very first picture. I started making this from a pattern I bought, but the directions were wrong, so I improvised & created some of it freehand. But because of copyright laws on the part I did use I cannot share that pattern. All the rest are baby afghans that I have made for friends.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Yesterday Dan & I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. I look back on all that has happened in those years & I stand (or sit) in amazement. We have created wonderful memories, children, and an everygrowing bond. I love him more than the day we married & I thank God for bringing us together.
"They a re no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not serperate." -Matthew 19:6

Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Motherhood - I love it! There is nothing I would rather do with my life. I have recently stepped back from some activities just to spend more time at home with my children. After a few weeks of my newfound "freedom" - so to speak - a friend told me I needed to "take a break from taking a break". At the time I thought 'nope, I'm loving this' and I wished there was more time on my plate I could free up. So, the more I ponder my friends statement the more sad it makes me. If I was given the option of going out for a cup of coffee with a friend or going for ice cream with my husband & kids I'm happy to say I'd choose the latter. No offense to my friends but I'm glad I don't "need a break" from my family. I hope & pray I'm not alone. I believe our husbands & our children need to know that, aside from God, they are the most important people in our lives. I'm still a work in progress but I pray God shows me the path HE wants me to take.

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