Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cleaning Using the Three Step Method

I haven't done Tip Tuesday in a while, so here's a new one.

I've read a few books on organizing, decluttering, etc.  The best advice I ever heard was this....I call it the 3 step method.
  • Put it away
  • Throw it away
  • Give it away
The concept is to put everything into one of these categories.  If it doesn't have a home then either throw it away or give it away.  I know it sounds harsh, but its an excellent way to go about it.  I'm not perfect at it - by any means - but I'm working on it. 

I used to think, "I might need it someday" or "Once I get rid of it I'll need it."  Then I heard someone say that if you are keeping things that you 'might' need or use someday then you are not trusting that God will provide it when you do need it.  That totally changed my outlook.  I'm working on decluttering.  If you have any other ideas I'd love to hear them.


Kimmie said...

I think setting a timer and having everyone help with a room or area of a room makes it fun. Give those who can help a basket that gets delivered to a specific room...child one, the kitchen, child two, the downstairs bathroom...and let them see if they can find anything from their *room* that needs to find its way back *home* Not only are they getting involved with cleaning, they are learning to be organized and helpful too! Once they get their basket full of everything that needs to be relocated let them take it back where it goes.

I always explain that we need to do all of our life *unto Jesus* (just like it was Him who asked us)...so when you put it away or clean-up, do it as if it were for Him.

You can also set for yourself a few 15 minute time slots to work on a drawer, a counter, a closet...before you know it you have gained back the space and you are feeling able to tackle another area.

If you do this throughout the day and daily you will be neat in no time-with little effort.

Many hands makes the work light.

mama to 8
one homemade and 7 adopted

Angie@Echoes of Laughter said...

That's a great, simple method of keeping the house in order! Now..to go through those boxes in the basement!!

Kristine Mullen said...


Baskets! Great idea. Never thought of it. It was a toss up between 3 step cleaning & 15 min. cleaning, so I guess that will be next.


Kristine Mullen said...


I'm with you on the basement part. If I figure it out I'll let you know. :)



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